13-year-old Florida student arrested for stabbing classmate at school

A 13-year-old student was arrested today and charged with one count of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. That school where the stabbing took place is Forest Grove Middle School located at 3201 S. 25th Street, Fort Pierce, Florida.
The incident took place Tuesday in a classroom where a student was being disruptive and created an altercation with the victim, ultimately stabbing him with a pair of scissors.
The victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment.
“Based on the information obtained at the time the incident occurred, it was initially not believed that scissors were used,” said Sheriff Ken J. Mascara.
“However, because of our commitment to investigating any incident of violence on a school campus, our detectives conducted additional interviews and determined that they were in fact used to cause harm to the victim.”
According to the Sheriff, the suspect was arrested today on a warrant and was transported to the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice for processing. That student stabbing suspect will be charged as a juvenile and if found having broken the school’s conduct policy could be expelled.
The victim’s mother shared a photo of her son’s injuries with the media. She also shared that her son has long worried about bullying at school and that his eyeglasses prevented his injuries from being more severe. The boy is expected to fully recover from his injuries with no loss of vision.
(Source: St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office)
~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter