45-pound bag of heroin washes ashore near Southern Florida National Wildlife Rescue

On February 18, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office headquartered in Vero Beach, Florida, released word that a substantial amount of heroin wrapped up in a large garbage bag washed ashore locally, just east of the town of Sebastian.
A drug dealer is missing 45 pounds of heroin after a garbage bag washed up near Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. ~ IRCSO

An alert passerby walking along the beach spotted the drugs on Thursday and alerted the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office. Deputy Ron Adamson and Federal Wildlife Officer Brian Bushnell responded and took the drugs into custody. U.S. Border Patrol was notified and will pick up the heroin.
Deputy Adamson said the drugs were in a 35-gallon trash bag and wrapped in burlap. “The packaging was not intended for water.”

He [Adamson] said it’s possible the drug-runner threw it overboard or that whatever watercraft was being used to transport it took on water.
Adamson went on to say that there were no nearby reports of boats going under. The Sheriff’s Office did not provide a street value for the confiscated 45 pounds of heroin.
For more information, see: Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge

(Source: IRCSO)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter