Daniel Chetelat Jr. of Kingsville, Maryland, arrested on child porn charges

Kingsville, Maryland man arrested on child porn charges

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Daniel Chetelat Jr. of Kingsville, Maryland, arrested on child porn charges
Daniel Chetelat Jr. / Maryland State Police

On January 23, Maryland State Police issued a release stating that on that same morning, a Harford County, Maryland, man was arrested and charged after a Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force investigation developed evidence supporting charges of possession and distribution of child pornography. The child porn suspect is identified as 49-year-old Daniel Chetelat Jr. of Kingsville.  Chetelat is charged with six counts of possession of child pornography and three counts of distribution of child pornography.

In January 2018, investigators received multiple downloads of images depicting child pornography from a computer traced to Chetelat. On Tuesday, the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, which consisted of the Maryland State Police and Homeland Security Investigations, served a search and seizure warrant at the Chetelat residence. The Baltimore Sun reports that residence as being located in the 2500 block of Whitt Road in Kingsville.

Forensic examiners conducted reviews of Chetelat’s electronic devices which resulted in the discovery of several images and videos of child pornography. Chetelat was arrested at the scene.

The Maryland State Police Computer Crimes Unit coordinates the Maryland Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.  This is a combined law enforcement effort involving police departments across Maryland that is funded by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.  Task force investigators focus on identifying those involved in child pornography via the Internet and other related crimes that victimize children.

Following his arrest on January 23, Chetelat was transported to the Harford County Detention Center where he was being held on $50,000 bail.  Police say that the investigation into this case is active and ongoing.

~ Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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