Harford County elementary school teacher charged with multiple counts of child pornography crimes

At the time of his arrest, Dominic J. Lafrancesca was employed at the George D. Lisby Elementary School in Harford County

Ormand Beach man arrested on 45 counts of child porn possession

Police say the man had explicit videos and images depicting the sexual abuse of boys and girls ranging in age from infant to 10 years old

Sebastian Police Department volunteer arrested on 50 counts of possessing child porn

75-year-old Arnold William Flannery is currently being detained at the Indian River County Jail on 50 counts of possessing child porn

Okeechobee teen charged with child porn and extorting local girls for sex

At least one of 17-year-old Angelo Sontai-Perez’s victims is a student at Okeechobee High School

Florida teen charged with 30 counts of possessing explicit child porn videos, images

Detectives say that Anthony Lee Rowell, 19, is being held on 30 counts of possessing sexual performance videos & pictures of children on his devices