Accused pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein found injured and in fetal position in his NYC jail cell

Accused pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein found injured and in fetal position in his NYC jail cell

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Accused pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein found injured and in fetal position in his NYC jail cell
Jeffrey Epstein, Image credit: Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department

(Updated 07/25/2019, 1:35 pm) On July 6, billionaire playboy Jeffrey Epstein was arrested in New Jersey and transported to New York City where he was charged with the sex trafficking of young girls. Yesterday it was reported that Epstein was found semi-conscious and in a fetal position in a secured area in his New York City jail cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan. The 66-year-old reportedly was found with marks on his neck. 

Theories abound as to how and why Epstein came to be found in that condition. 

One theory is that Epstein tried committing suicide by hanging himself.  Another is that he “might have staged an attack or a suicide attempt to get a transfer to another facility,” according to NBC News.

Investigators are not ruling out assault and have reportedly questioned another inmate named Nicholas Tartaglione, 49, who is accused of killing four men and burying them. Tartaglione denies having anything to do with Epstein’s injuries.  ~ The Washington Examiner

NBC went on to report that Tartaglione is a former Briarcliff Manor, New York, cop who has been in jail since 2016 since being arrested and accused of killing and burying those four men in an alleged cocaine distribution conspiracy.

Epstein is now on suicide watch inside New York City’s Metropolitan Correctional Center.

Epstein’s story has been in the pipeline for over 10 years due to the outrage it spurred when it became public knowledge that the  wealthy socialite sexually abused young girls and paid them for sexual favors, and who went on to receive a sweetheart plea deal with a lenient jail sentence. Many feel that Epstein managed to cheat the legal system.

The 66-year-old financier has long been plagued by allegations of sexual abuse against minors.  In 2008, Epstein was sentenced to 13 months in prison, required to settle with his then-teenage victims and register as a sex offender. He could have faced life in prison.

His victims were not informed about the plea deal when it got ironed out in court those many years ago. Epstein’s outrageous and highly publicized plea arrangement also provided the child sex offender with the ability to leave his Florida prison cell six days every week and work from his office.

The plea deal arranged by Epstein’s legal team shut down any other ongoing investigations into his criminal activities and granted immunity to any and all of his co-conspirators.

The new charges filed earlier this July following his arrest are agaion centered around child sex crimes, and “involve alleged sex trafficking crimes committed between 2002 and 2005,” according to CNN. The indictment filed against him claims that Epstein’s alleged child sex crimes went down in Florida and New York.

Interestingly, one of the prosecutors going after Epstein is Maurene Comey, the daughter of the FBI director James Comey who was fired from that position by Donald Trump.

The man that orchestrated Epstein’s sweetheart plea arrangement back in 2007 was Miami lawyer Alex Acosta – the same Alex Acosta who briefly served as the U.S. Labor Secretary in the Trump administration. “A federal judge ruled earlier this year that the plea deal was illegally concealed from Epstein’s alleged victims,” according to NPR.  Acosta recently resigned from his position as U.S. Labor Secretary following a major backlash concerning his involvement in Epstein’s sweetheart plea deal.

The new charges filed on July 7 against the billionaire, state that Epstein, from 2002 through 2005, paid his sex trafficked minor females cash for massaging him. Charges also allege that that he sexually abused the young girls at his residences in Palm Beach and New York. Several of his associates allegedly recruited the girls and some victims became recruiters themselves, according to the Daily Beast.

Epstein has been linked socially with Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton; although both men say that they haven’t had anything to do with the billionaire for years.

NPR went on to report that law enforcement officials suspected “that he [Epstein] molested hundreds of girls over a five- or six-year period in Palm Beach alone and possibly operated an international sex-trafficking organization around the world.”

(Update) While Epstein told authorities he was beaten up and called a child predator, the sources said, he has been placed on suicide watch. His injuries were not serious, they said.  ~ CNN

For more on the latest developments in the Jeffrey Epstein case, see the video accompanying this article.

 Written by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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