Actor Christian Bale breaks ground on 16-year dream foster homes project designed to keep siblings in the foster care system together

Actor Christian Bale breaks ground on 16-year dream foster homes project

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Reminiscent of the Bruce Wayne character that actor Christian Bale portrayed in his iconic “Batman, The Dark Knight” film trilogy, in real life Bale is not only a talented actor but also a passionate advocate for foster children. For the past 16 years, he has been working to see his dream of building foster homes come true. On Wednesday, he finally broke ground on the first of 12 homes and a community center that will provide a safe and loving environment for children in need – and homes that will provide the means “to keep siblings in foster care together.”

The 12 homes, anchored by a 7,000 square foot community center, are scheduled to be finished in April of 2025.

“It’s something that is incredibly satisfying for me, and I want to be involved every step of the way,” Bale said. “Maybe this is the first one, and maybe this is the only one, and that would be great. But I’m quietly hoping that there’ll be many of these.”  ~ The Associated Press

Ace News Today - designed to keep siblings in the foster care system together
(Image credit: Twitter)

Bale, along with his wife Sibi Bale and Eric Esrailian, co-founded Together California, a village in Palmdale, California, where brothers and sisters in the foster care system will be able to stay together. Together California will be there to provide support for Los Angeles’ County most vulnerable kids. The village will be providing services to not only the kids that will live there, but the outlaying community, functioning as a center for academic, therapeutic, social, and recreational activities for young people.

Additionally, this facility will serve as a communal safe space for the neighborhood, facilitating access to public resources and offering educational and financial training programs. ~ ABC 7 News

For more on Bale’s vision becoming reality, see the video accompanying this article.

(Cover photo of Christian Bale, Image credit: Twitter)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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