Actress Jodi Sweetin gets shoved to the ground by LAPD during women’s rights demonstration

Actress Jodie Sweetin gets shoved to the ground by LAPD during women’s rights demonstration

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Ace News Today - Actress Jodi Sweetin gets shoved to the ground by LAPD during women’s rights demonstration

“How rude!”  Actress Jodie Sweetin, who recently finished up the Netflix reboot to her hit iconic TV show “Full House” had a run-in with the LAPD on Saturday while she was taking part in a demonstration in support of abortion rights with a group protesting the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade.  The protest was happening on the 101 Freeway, which probably didn’t have police in the best of moods.  Sweetin ended up in a now viral video and can be seen being forcibly shoved down an embankment by the police.

The former “Full House” actress apparently got too close to officers, who had formed a skirmish line in front of a group of demonstrators. That’s when Sweetin was pushed to the ground.

Videos from AIR7 HD and a bystander on the freeway show Sweetin, dressed in all black and carrying a megaphone, tumbling to the ground after being shoved. In the footage, she stands up almost immediately.

Sweetin apparently was not seriously injured.  ~ ABC 7 News

And while some may say that Sweetin and her fellow demonstrators should not have been on the expressway in the first place, the video actually shows her trying to lead the protesters off the expressway to a grassy hillside nearby when she was actually shoved by the police from the grass and back onto the roadway.

The video below posted to Twitter shows the incident.

“I’m extremely proud of the hundreds of people who showed up yesterday to exercise their First Amendment rights and take immediate action to peacefully protest the giant injustices that have been delivered from our Supreme Court,” Sweetin said in a statement provided to ABC News. “Our activism will continue until our voices are heard and action is taken. This will not deter us, we will continue fighting for our rights. We are not free until ALL of us are free.”

Footage from the video appears to show Sweetin trying to organize a group of protestors to get off the freeway and walk toward a nearby grassy hill next to the freeway.  Suddenly, one of the cops vigorously pushed her back down the hill with her tumbling back onto the concrete roadway. While some of her fellow protestors were helping her get back to her feet, others in the crowd began jeering at the police action. 

According to Deadline, someone in the crowd yells to the police, “What the f*ck is wrong with you guys?”

Sweetin shared the video to her own Instagram page with the comment, “Thank you for posting. Love everyone out there in the streets fighting for what’s right… #WeKeepUsSafe.”

NBC News in Los Angeles shared a statement released by the LAPD regarding the incident.

“The LAPD is aware of a video clip of a woman being pushed to the ground by officers not allowing the group to enter on foot and overtake the 101 freeway

“The force used will be evaluated against the LAPD’s policy and procedure. As the nation continues to wrestle with the latest Supreme Court decision, the Los Angeles Police Department will continue to facilitate 1st Amendment rights, while protecting life and property.”

The video showing Sweetin being engaged by the LAPD was originally recorded by journalist Shaun King who posted it to his Instagram page with the comments: “That’s my friend @JodieSweetin – who many of you know from Full House – being assaulted by the LAPD. Jodie was literally trying to lead people OFF of the freeway. I’m appreciative of Jodie because she’s been standing up for civil rights and human rights and now women’s rights”.

See the video.

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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