Actress Rosario Dawson reveals being raped and molested as a child

Actress and activist Rosario Dawson revealed in a January podcast on “Morado Lens” that she was raped and molested when she was a little girl. Currently co-starring as nurse and super-hero sidekick Claire Temple in the Marvel/Netflix TV shows “Daredevil“, “Jessica Jones“, “Luke Cage“, “Iron Fist“ and “The Defenders“, the 38-year-old Dawson said that the horrible experience from her youth helped prepare her somewhat for the sexual misconduct that she has witnessed first-hand in the workplace later in life. On January 26, Page Six shared some quotes from Dawson’s podcast.
“I was raped and molested as a child, so for me, the world was like that since I was a child. So when I saw it in the workplace, it wasn’t foreign to me. It was like, well, that even happens within family. It happens with people that are supposed to take care of you when you’re a child.” ~ per Morado Lens’ podcast
Dawson is a proud supporter of the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements and like many other celebrities, wore black to the 2018 Golden Globes. She took that blackout one step further and encouraged people everywhere to dress in black that day, even if they weren’t attending the Globes’ ceremony. In the wake of workplace sexual misconduct exposés like those surrounding Charlie Rose, Harvey Weinstein, comedian Louis CK and others, Dawson has been very vocal and supportive on social media regarding those women who have come forward to share their stories of abuse – and ultimately help effect social change.
“We wear black to symbolize solidarity,” she said in an Instagram video prior to the show. “The death knell has struck on abusive power, and it’s time to celebrate each other — not just the nominees on our film and television screens but our storytellers who have bravely come forward and courageously shared their stories which have liberated so many of us.” ~ per The Daily News
People reports that Dawson will be appearing in several episodes of the upcoming season 4 of “Jane the Virgin” and that she’s also starring in JAY-Z‘s star-studded “Family Feud” video, which debuted earlier this month.
~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter