Adult predator, 26, posed as high school student online to meet and rape children

Adult predator, 26, posed as high school student online to meet and rape children

Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Education, Instagram, Police, Public Health and Safety, Rape, Sex Crimes, Social Media, Top News, Violent Crimes
Ace News Today - Adult predator, 26, posed as high school student online to meet and rape children
Image credit: Washington County Sheriff’s Office

On January 26, Detectives working with the Violent Crimes Unit in Oregon’s Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) reported that for the last several months, they’ve been conducting an investigation centered around 26-year-old Lafayette A. Castillo of Beaverton.  Detectives discovered that Castillo used Snapchat and Instagram to pose as a high school student so he could communicate with children online. He then met children in person and sexually assaulted them.

The investigation identified multiple child victims.  Based upon Castillo’s social media activity, authorities believe that Castillo had targeted additional children.

The predator was arrested on January 15 and indicted by a grand jury on January 24 for sex crimes involving two victims, ages 12 and 14, according to KCTV 5 News.

Castillo’s bail is set at $1.5 million and he is being held on the following charges:

• Rape in the first degree (two counts)

• Attempted rape in the first degree

• Sexual abuse in the first degree (three counts)

• Sexual abuse in the second degree (five counts)

• Sodomy in the third degree (two counts)

If you have any information about Mr. Castillo or can help identify other potential victims, please call the Sheriff’s Office at 503-846-2700.

(Source: Washington County Sheriff’s Office)

Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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