Alleged teen burglar shot three times by Indian River County Deputy

On August 12 at approximately 12:57 a.m., an Indian River County Sheriff’s deputy was patrolling the 2100 block of 16th Avenue SW in Vero Beach, Florida, which is an area where several recent auto burglaries had occurred. The deputy observed three subjects, one of which was later identified as Qwendravious Armond Reed, 16, with what appeared to be a firearm protruding from his right pants pocket.
When the deputy approached the teen, the deputy said that Reed reached for the firearm.
In response to Reed reaching for his gun, the deputy felt compelled to shoot the teenager.
Reed was shot three times, once in the right shoulder, once in the left portion of his abdomen, and once on his left bicep. The young man ran a short distance before he was apprehended by the deputy.
First aid was immediately initiated by the deputy and EMS was requested within one minute of the encounter.
Reed was transported to Lawnwood Medical Center with what were believed to be non-life threatening gunshot wounds. The involved deputy was not injured.
According to the sheriff’s office, “when asked by our deputy why he reached for the gun, [the 16-year-old] stated words to the effect of, ‘I was just trying to hide it from you.'” ~ WPTV

Reed has several previous felony arrests in Indian River County including burglary and grand theft.
Detectives and the crime scene team of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office responded to the shooting scene; and the incident remains under investigation. Criminal charges against Reed are forthcoming.
As is standard protocol, the deputy involved in the shooting is on paid administrative leave.
(Source: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter