Baltimore County firefighter arrested on arson and explosive devices charges

On November 21, the Baltimore County Police Department reported charging a volunteer firefighter after explosive devices were detonated behind an elementary school in Dundalk, Maryland, last weekend.
Police responded to Berkshire Elementary School at 7431 Poplar Avenue in Dundalk just after midnight Saturday morning, November 17, for a report of an explosion. Members of the Baltimore County Police Hazardous Devices Team responded to the scene and located evidence of a small package explosion on a bench behind the school. Investigators also obtained surveillance video of the incident that depicted a suspect placing a box on the bench, igniting the box and running away.
Similar calls were received late Monday night at the same location for possible shots fired or an explosion heard. Investigators located a charred area and debris near a tree behind Berkshire Elementary School around 11:38 p.m.
At that time, an officer canvassing the area located a suspicious subject in an alley behind the school, identifying him as 20-year-old Anthony Dale Reed of the 500 block of 48th Street in Dundalk. Reed was carrying a scanner and identified himself as a volunteer firefighter. He was questioned and released at the scene.
Bomb Technician Officers and Detectives from the Arson Investigation Team collaborated on the investigations and positively identified the suspect seen on school surveillance as Anthony Reed.
Additionally, detectives from the Dundalk Precinct began collaborating with the Hazardous Devices Team on a call they were investigating for a bomb threat on November 15 in which the caller threatened to activate a destructive device in the Berkshire community. No explosive devices were discovered in that incident. The investigation that incident also resulted in identifying Reed as the suspect.
Reed, who police have confirmed is an active volunteer firefighter in Baltimore County, is charged with the following:
- Manufacture/Possess/Distribute a Destructive Device;
- Possession of Explosive/Incendiary Material with Intent to Create Destructive Device;
- 2nd Degree Malicious Burning;
- Trespassing on School Grounds; and
- Threat of Arson
Reed was arrested at his home on a warrant around 7:30 p.m. Tuesday evening. He was remanded to the Baltimore County Detention Center with no bail status pending a bail review hearing.
(Source: Baltimore County Government)
~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter