Baltimore County Police arrest husband of daycare operator for child abuse and rape

Baltimore County Police arrest husband of daycare operator for child abuse and rape

Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Local, Mugshots, Police, Public Health and Safety, Rape, Top News, Video, Violent Crimes

(Edward Biedenkapp, Image credit: Baltimore County Police Department)

Police in Baltimore County have charged 54-year-old Edward Biedenkapp with child abuse and rape after a child came forward alleging abuse.  A young girl came forward accusing Biedenkapp of raping her on multiple occasions more than 10 years ago.

Based on information gathered by members of the Baltimore County Crimes Against Children Unit, detectives have reason to believe more children may have been abused between the time span of 2007 and 2011.

It’s worth noting that children would have referred to Biedenkapp as “Mr. Eddie.”

Also noteworthy is that Biedenkapp’s wife ran Biedenkapp Daycare at the time. Edward Biedenkapp worked at the daycare affording him ease of access to the children under their care.  That Daycare was located in the couple’s home located in the Perry Hall area, according to CBS News in Baltimore.

Police are asking any other of Biedenkapp’s victims to please come forward so that they can hold him accountable for his actions.

Anyone with information of potential abuse, can contact detectives at 410-307-2020.

If you have been the victim of a sexual assault, there is help available for you 24-hours a day. You can call the police non-emergency line at 410-887-2222 or contact any one of these resources:

For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.

(Source: Baltimore County Police)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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