Baltimore Police seek help locating 18-year-old homicide suspect

Baltimore Police seek help locating 18-year-old homicide suspect

Crime & Courts, Guns, Local, Mugshots, Murder, Police, Public Health and Safety, Top News, Violent Crimes

(4800 block Pimlico Road, Baltimore, Image credit: Google Maps)

On March 28, the Baltimore Police Department issued a plea to the community for help in locating 18-year-old James Jenkins, who is wanted for the June 30, 2022, murder of Phillip Wallace that occurred in the 4800 block of Pimlico Road.  Police say that on that date, Jenkins shot Wallace to death at that location.

Police described Jenkins as 6’ 1” tall, weighing approximately 190 lbs. – and is to be considered Armed and Dangerous.

Anyone with information as to James Jenkins’ whereabouts is asked to call the Warrant Apprehension Task Force Tip-Line at 443-984-9578.

Police say that a reward is available for any information that leads to Jenkins’ arrest. 

(Source and James Jenkins photo, Baltimore Police Department)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on FacebookTwitter Instagram

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