Betsy Devos resignation met with glee as Teacher’s Federation says ‘Good Riddance’

Betsy Devos resignation met with glee as Teacher’s Federation says ‘Good Riddance’

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Ace News Today - Betsy Devos resignation met with glee as Teacher’s Federation says ‘Good Riddance’
Betsy DeVos at her Congressional Appointment Hearing, Image credit:

On January 8, most of America’s educators were delighted to learn that U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos resigned from her Cabinet position, citing the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol as her reason for calling it quits.  DeVos was largely considered to be one of the the most inept and unqualified of all of Trump’s appointees.  During her 2017 Congressional hearings, the billionaire could not answer one education-related question – even those easy questions asked by Republicans supportive of her appointment.

In her resignation letter to Donald Trump, DeVos wrote, in part:

“We should be highlighting and celebrating your Administration’s many accomplishments on behalf of the American people. Instead, we are left to clean up the mess caused by violent protesters overrunning the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine the people’s business.”

An image of her complete resignation letter is provided below.

While the violent insurrection was in full swing, DeVos tweeted the following:

Although at this writing, she was only 12 days away from losing her job anyway, news of her resignation was met with joyful glee.  The full statement provided from the American Federation of Teachers regarding DeVos’ resignation was summed up nicely when the agency responded, “Good riddance.”

Journalist and White House correspondent Geoff Bennett tweeted:

To date, at least eight officials from the Trump inner circle have resigned their posts as a result of the January 6 riot incited by the sitting president.  Elaine Chao, U.S. Transportation Secretary, and wife of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnel, also just resigned.

Chao and DeVos are in good company as a flurry of Trump’s people have been abandoning the ship beginning this past Wednesday.

Trump’s deputy national security adviser, Matt Pottinger, former chief of staff and current special envoy to Northern Ireland, Mick Mulvaney, and Ryan Tully, the top White House adviser on Russia, also stepped down.

Two other senior White House officials – the national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, and the deputy chief of staff, Chris Liddell – are reportedly considering stepping down after a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol building. ~ MSN

For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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