Body found preliminarily confirmed to be missing North Carolina teen Hania Aguilar

Yesterday, the North Carolina Medical Examiner’s Office contacted the Lumberton Police Department in North Carolina and the FBI to say that a body found on November 27 is believed to be Hania Noelia Aguilar, the 13-year-old girl kidnapped outside of her Lumberton home around 7:00 a.m. on November 3 while she was waiting for the rest of her family to come outside and drive to school. The identification is considered to be preliminary as final confirmation will be accomplished following an official dental record comparison.
“We believe we found Hania, but our work is far from over. We have to find out how she died and who did this to her. We have to bring the person responsible to justice,” said FBI Supervisory Resident Agent Andy de la Rocha.
FBI, Lumberton Police Department, SBI, and Robeson County Sheriff’s Office investigators located the body off Wire Grass Road in Robeson County around 4:45 p.m. on November 27. Investigative leads prompted the investigators to search that area.
“We are absolutely devastated. I wish we had a different outcome for Hania’s family, for the community, and for the hundreds of law enforcement officers and searchers who put everything they had into finding her alive,” said Lumberton Police Chief Michael McNeill.
USA Today reported McNeill as saying that Hania’s body was found in water in Robeson County about 10 miles south of the mobile home park where she was kidnapped. More from USA Today . . .
Authorities wouldn’t elaborate on whether the body was concealed but said it was not visible from the road or obvious to people passing by. Investigators spent Wednesday combing the area in daylight after finding the body the previous night.
The cause of death wasn’t released, pending an autopsy. Investigators would not describe the condition of the body. An FBI official said he did not have any information as to whether Hania was killed where she was found or elsewhere.
Law enforcement officials are seeking the public’s help and looking for any information to identify suspects involved in Hania’s abduction and ultimately when and how her body was placed on Wire Grass Road in Robeson County.
Currently, there are no suspects or persons of interest in Hania’s abduction and subsequent murder. Authorities are asking that if you have surveillance cameras near Wire Grass Road to call their tip line at 910-272-5871. For more on this tragic story, see the video accompanying this article.
Also See: Reward for missing teen increases to $20,000
(Article source and all images: FBI)
~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter