Boris Epshteyn: Trump advisor confesses to ‘Fake Electors Plot’ in attempt to overturn 2020 presidential election

Boris Epshteyn: Trump advisor confesses to ‘Fake Electors Plot’ in attempt to overturn 2020 presidential election

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Ace News Today - Boris Epshteyn: Trump advisor confesses to ‘Fake Electors Plot’ in attempt to overturn 2020 presidential election
(Cover Photo – Boris Epshteyn and Rudy Giuliani, Image credit: Twitter)

Donald Trump continues to allege that he won the 2020 presidential election, and that the vote count in favor of Joe Biden was rigged, and that there was criminal activity pushing Joe Biden into the win columns for both the electoral college votes and the popular votes.   So far, none of the investigations looking into irregularities on the Democratic side resulted in any consequential wrongdoings. It is however, an ironic twist of fate to share that the really big irregularities discovered in the 2020 election were revealed this week after a former Trump campaign advisor openly shared, “the failed MAGA scheme to overturn the presidential election and the Trump campaign’s fake electors plot.”

See video

MAGA Confession: Trump Lawyer Admits Fraudulent Electors Plot

The Republican electors falsely declared themselves “duly elected and qualified,” and sent signed certificates to Congress and the National Archives claiming to affirm former President Donald Trump as the winner in five states he had actually lost: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin. All the states had legitimate Democratic electors for Joe Biden, reflecting residents’ votes.  ~ Huffington Post

On January 21, that campaign advisor, Boris Epshteyn, fessed up – saying that he assisted in an orchestrated scheme “to have illegitimate pro-Trump supporters falsely certify the election for him in seven states won by President Joe Biden,” according to a January 23 report from MSN.  In a Friday interview with Ari Melber, Epshteyn was queried about ever working or supporting that scheme to fake the votes to show that Trump actually won in those Biden states. Epshteyn’s response to that question was:

“Yes, I was part of the process to make sure there were alternate electors for when, as we hoped, the challenges to the seated electors would be heard, and would be successful.”

On Thursday The Washington Post reported that Epshteyn said he’d participated in conference calls with members of Trump’s legal team, including Rudy Giuliani, to discuss the electors. 

The Post and CNN reported on Thursday that members of Trump’s inner circle, led by Giuliani, coordinated the scheme.  ~ MSN

Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani supervised the scheme to make sure that pro-Trump electors had access to those states’ Capitol buildings.  He was also in charge of drafting the language used in the  bogus Trump-winning electoral certificates that got forwarded to the Feds;  and he was also responsible for “finding replacements for electors who refused to go along with the plot,” according to CNN.

Giuliani and Epshteyn also worked in unison to try and ensure that Congress would be prevented from certifying Biden’s win at the Capitol on January 6, the day the Capitol riot disrupted that voting process. Giuliani and Epshteyn along with several more of their cohorts were subpoenaed last week to appear before the House Select Committee investigating what is now commonly being referred to as the January 6 insurrection.

The seven U.S. States that were being coerced by the Trump campaign to show that Trump had won the vote in those states were Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada and New Mexico.  In the interview, although Epshteyn admitted to the scheme to fake those votes, he tried to maintain that everything that he and Giuliani and the Trump legal team did to show those “alternate electors” in those states was completely legal.

Epshteyn justified having those states show the alternate electors favoring Trump was OK, “given the ‘rampant fraud’ of the election.”  The big problem his legal team has is, “There was no rampant fraud. Recounts and scores of court cases confirmed that Biden won.”

Dana Nessel, the Attorney General of Michigan, prompted federal prosecutors to open a criminal investigation, “into more than a dozen Republicans who submitted false certificates stating they were the state’s presidential electors, despite Biden’s win in the state,”  according to CNN.  Regarding the case, she added, “Under state law, I think clearly you have an open and shut case of forgery of a public record, which is a 14-year offense, and election law forgery, which is a five-year offense.” 

Also see:

Oath Keepers leader, 10 others charged with ‘Seditious Conspiracy’ linked to U.S. Capitol riot

See Boris Epshteyn’s interview below with MSNBC where he talks about the failed plot to overturn the presidential election, the House Select Committee’s probe into the insurrection, and the Trump campaign’s fake electors’ plot.

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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