Boyfriend arrested for secretly videotaping girlfriend’s daughter in the shower

Boyfriend arrested for secretly videotaping girlfriend’s daughter in the shower

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Ace News Today - Boyfriend arrested for secretly videotaping girlfriend’s daughter in the shower
(Miguel Fajardo and his cell phone, Image credit: IRCSO)

On May 10, Florida’s Indian River County Sheriff’s Office (IRCSO) reported on an incident where a local woman’s boyfriend was accused of taking a secret video of his girlfriend’s 17-year-old daughter while she was getting into the shower. The boyfriend has since been arrested.

Miguel Fajardo, 24, of Vero Beach, was taken into custody on May 1 and is being held on $25,000 bond. Law enforcement has also placed a hold on the man with Immigration and Customs.

The allegations against the boyfriend are the result of his girlfriend finding a video on Fajardo’s Gmail account. The video was of her minor daughter entering the bathroom and getting undressed.  As the video progressed, it also depicted the girl in the nude from the waist down.

The video recording device was a cell phone which was used by the suspect on a regular basis. It was concealed in a laundry basket in the bathroom and was used, allegedly, by Fajardo to secretly record the 17-year-old daughter without her knowledge.

Fajardo was interviewed with the assistance of Deputy Maure-Cascaret as the suspect only spoke Spanish. He denied the allegations of intentionally recording the girl in the bathroom.

Fajardo explained to officials that he placed the phone in the clothes basket because he was going to video himself naked and was going to take a shower. Fajardo further explained that he then exited the bathroom to continue cooking, as he thought something was burning.

Fajardo said that his girlfriend’s daughter told him that she was going to shower after he left the bathroom. He explained he forgot the video was running in the bathroom and unintentionally recorded her.

When the Sheriff’s Office confronted Fajardo about why he kept the video, and if it was perhaps an accident, he stated he did not remember it was there because he received a phone call.

Fajardo is looking at a charge of Video Voyeurism.

(Source and Miguel Fajardo mugshot: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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