Breaking: Salvage crews prepping to remove last remnants of collapsed Key Bridge from the Dali
On May 3, the Francis Scott Key Unified Command announced that salvage crews within the Unified Command are preparing for the removal of the piece of bridge lying on top of the cargo ship Dali.


The operation requires careful handling of roadbed material, crushed containers, and bridge fragments currently resting on the M/V DALI’s bow. The salvage teams are meticulously preparing for the refloat of the DALI, ensuring all aspects of the wreckage impacts are thoroughly evaluated and addressed.

Livestream from the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse.
The Dali is still tangled in a twisted mess of debris, and crews are working to free the ship.

“The complexities of this next phase of operations require thorough preparation, strategic planning, and specialized expertise,” said Capt. David O’Connell, Federal On-Scene Coordinator, Key Bridge Unified Command.
“We have the right team making this work happen in the safest and most efficient way possible.”
Specialized equipment has been employed to closely monitor the positioning and movement of the M/V DALI and the bridge wreckage in contact with it. Teams have strategically removed 182 containers from the M/V DALI to facilitate the removal of the piece of steel structure, referred to as “section four.”


The Key Bridge Unified Command remains committed to restoring full access to the Fort McHenry Channel as swiftly and safely as possible and is providing updates regularly. The public is reminded that the Unified Command continues to maintain a 2000-yard maritime Safety Zone around the incident site. The TFR extends for two nautical miles in radius from the center of the bridge and from the surface up to and including 1500 feet above ground level.
The safety zone remains in effect and is intended to protect personnel, vessels, and the marine environment. No vessel or person will be permitted to enter the safety zone without obtaining permission from the COTP or a designated representative.
There is a zero-tolerance policy regarding any UAS/drone use anywhere within the “No Drone Zone” established by the Federal Aviation Administration. Anyone who attempts to fly a UAS/drone in any prohibited manner may be subject to arrest, prosecution, fines, and/or imprisonment.
Related, also see:
- Fifth body recovered from site of Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse site
- First cargo ship passes through Key Bridge wreckage site in newly opened deep water channel
- See live video feed of the Francis Scott Key Bridge salvage operations
- Fourth body recovered following Key Bridge collapse; FBI opens formal criminal investigation into ship that caused the destruction
- Latest updates on operations at Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse site, containers being removed (Images)
- First vessel passes through temporary channel carved out by Key Bridge Response Unified Command
- Officials will enforce ‘no drone zone’ extending for three miles around Key Bridge
- FBI on Key Bridge destruction: ‘No information to suggest ties to terrorism at this time’
- Shocking video: Entire span of Baltimore’s ‘Key Bridge’ collapses into the river below after being struck by cargo ship
The Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command includes the:
- U.S. Coast Guard
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Maryland Department of the Environment
- Maryland Transportation Authority
- Maryland State Police
- Witt O’Brien’s representing Synergy Marine
The Unified Command’s operational priorities are ensuring the safety of the public and first responders, accountability of missing persons, safely restoring transportation infrastructure and commerce, protecting the environment, and supporting the investigation.
For more images provided by the Unified Command, see: https://www.dvidshub.net/mediagallery/detail/id/302370
(Source: Unified Command)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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