Brooksville woman uses stolen Rent-A-Car to make Door Dash deliveries

Earlier this month Hernando County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, located at 15519 Cortez Boulevard in Brooksville, regarding a stolen vehicle. Yesterday, deputies spotted that stolen vehicle cruising down the road in Spring Hill, Florida.
When deputies first began their investigation, they met with the Enterprise manager who reported that the car, a 2021 Toyota Corolla, had been rented to a. The 44-year-old Martin rented the vehicle on March 29 and was to return it on March 31 – but failed to do so. Deputies were unable to locate the vehicle at Martin’s residence on Blair Avenue in Brooksville.
But yesterday, April 22, just after 10 p.m., the stolen vehicle was spotted traveling northbound on Mariner Boulevard near Carnegie Way in Spring Hill. Deputies conducted a Traffic Stop on the stolen vehicle at Mariner Boulevard and Monarch Street.
The female driver, later identified as Nicholle Kristine Martin, was ordered out of the vehicle and placed in custody. A male passenger, Christopher Brady, was also ordered out of the vehicle and placed in custody. There were no other occupants in the Rent-A-Car.
While speaking with deputies, Martin stated, she was simply trying to “do the right thing” that evening and she was on her way to return the vehicle to Enterprise.
A search of the car revealed no illegal items; but deputies did discover a Door Dash delivery that Martin was in the process of delivering when deputies conducted the Traffic Stop.
Deputies ‘did the right thing’ and delivered the Door Dash meal to its rightful owner, who was not only hungry, but fairly close to the location of the stop.
The stolen vehicle was towed from the scene. The passenger, Brady, was permitted to leave, as he was not charged with a crime. Martin was transported to the Hernando County Detention Center and charged with Grand Theft Auto with a $2,000 bond.
(Source and Nicholle Kristine Martin mugshot: Hernando County Sheriff’s Office)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter