CA cops raid superspreader underground party: 158 arrested, female sex trafficking victim rescued

On December 8, Sheriff Alex Villanueva of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department announced details and results from an operation at a super-spreader event that went down on Saturday, December 5 in Palmdale, California. The Sheriff’s operation was conducted in concert with planned coordination from various bureaus and units, including the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station, Human Trafficking Force, Operation Safe Streets Bureau, Aero Bureau, three patrol squads of the Mobile Field Force Personnel, and the Los Angeles County Fire Department.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department had learned that a massive underground party would occur at a vacant house in Palmdale. Previous incidents revealed parties like these often involve drugs, prostitution, underage drinking, and violence.
During the well-executed operation on the 6300 blocks of West Avenue M8, 158 individuals were arrested; 116 of them were adults, and 35 were juveniles. Six firearms were confiscated.

Most importantly, a 17-year-old girl that was categorized as a Commercially Sexually Exploited Child was rescued.
The super spreader event and underground party was not only a violation of the California Governor’s health order, but also proved to be criminal in nature.
Sheriff Villanueva asked local and state politicians to reconsider allowing the restaurant industry to re-open and instead, target super-spreader events, which account for most COVID-19 transmissions.
“We will continue to apply common sense to our enforcement actions and weigh the letter of the law with the spirit of the law.
It is my firm belief that this approach is a more efficient and effective means to manage the spread of this potentially deadly virus,” said Sheriff Villanueva.

You can see the Sheriff’s press conference, offered in Spanish and English, here.
For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.
(Source: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter