Canadian pop singer Kris Wu sentenced to 13 years in prison for sex crimes, rape

Canadian pop singer Kris Wu sentenced to 13 years in prison for sex crimes, rape

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Ace News Today - Convicted of rape, Canadian pop singer Kris Wu sentenced to 13 years in prison

(Kris Wu to spend the next 13 years in a Chinese prison, Image credit: Twitter)

The courts in Beijing, China, sentenced Canadian pop star singer, Kris Wu, aka Wu Yifan, to 13 years in prison after being convicted of sex crimes.  The Chinese court gave the 32-year-old Wu 11 years and six months for a 2020 rape and one year and 10 months for the “crime of assembling a crowd to engage in sexual promiscuity” in a 2018 event. Wu and others reportedly assaulted women they had plied with booze until drunk, according to Fox News.

The Beijing’s Chaoyang District Court said the three victims in the rape case had also been drunk and were unable to consent. The court agreed to a combined 13-year sentence and ruled that he would be immediately deported after serving his time.

The Chines Court’s official WeChat account was quoted as stating that, “Wu Yifan took advantage of three drunken women … at his home.”  The New York Post reported that Wu was taken into custody and has been imprisoned since July 31, 2021, “… after an 18-year-old Chinese student publicly accused him of inducing her and other girls, some of them younger than 18, to have sex with him.”  That young woman said at the time of her rape, that “Wu lured her into having sex when she was 17, after having plied her with liquor.”

In addition to his conviction and sentencing on sexual offenses, Wu was also guilty of some serious tax evasion.  He skipped out on paying $13 million worth of taxes in 2019 and 2020 and used a variety of methods to try and hide his earned income.

He was also ordered to pay 600 million yuan ($83.77 million) for hiding personal income and other tax-related offences, the tax bureau said.  Wu evaded 95 million yuan of tax from 2019 to 2020 by hiding personal income through domestic and foreign affiliated enterprises, and underpaid taxes of 84 million yuan, authorities said.  ~ Reuters

In addition to his thriving singing career, Wu was also a spokesperson and ambassador for at least 15 brands that included Porsche, Bulgari, Lancome, and Louis Vuitton.  All of those companies severed ties with him following his arrest on rape charges.

Wu began his very popular solo career in 2014 after a successful venture with his former South Korean pop group EXO.  Born Li Jiaheng, Wu rose to fame as a Chinese-Canadian actor, model, and singer. He had several box office hits throughout his acting career.

~ Kris Wu Biography ~

For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.

(Kris Wu cover photo: Twitter)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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