Canadian woman pleads guilty to sending Donald Trump threatening letter laced with ricin

Canadian woman pleads guilty to sending Donald Trump threatening letter laced with ricin

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Ace News Today - Canadian woman pleads guilty to sending Donald Trump threatening letter laced with ricin
(Pascale Ferrier pleads guilty to sending Donald Trump threatening letter laced with ricin, Image credit: DoJ)

On January 25, Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier, who has a dual citizenship with Canada and France, pleaded guilty to sending a threatening letter containing homemade ricin to then-President Donald J. Trump at the White House in September 2020.  Ferrier had also sent eight similar letters, each containing ricin, to Texas State law enforcement officials.

The ricin mailing woman was arrested back in 2020 when crossing the U.S. / Canadian border while trying to get into Buffalo, New York, when traveling from Canada.  When U.S. officials made the arrest, they discovered she was also carrying a gun,

“Ricin is a highly toxic compound extracted from castor beans that has been used in terror plots. It can be used in powder, pellet, mist or acid form. If ingested, it causes nausea, vomiting and internal bleeding of the stomach and intestines, followed by failure of the liver, spleen and kidneys, and death by collapse of the circulatory system,” according to CNN.

The letter Ferrier sent to Trump, directed him to, “give up and remove your application for this election.”  That letter never made its way to the White House as it was intercepted at a mail sorting facility in September 2020 before it could reach its intended destination, according to NBC News.

See:  Canadian woman suspected of mailing ricin-laced letter to Donald Trump arrested crossing into U.S. ~ Ace News Today, Sept. 22, 2020

According to court documents, the 55-year-old Ferrier, admitted as part of her plea deal, that she made ricin at her residence in Quebec, Canada, in September 2020. Ricin is a deadly poison made from castor beans. Ferrier placed the ricin in envelopes containing letters she wrote to Trump at the White House and to eight Texas State law enforcement officials.  ~ DoJ

Ferrier was held in Texas for about 10 weeks in the spring of 2019, and she believed that the law enforcement officials were connected to her period of detention. In early September 2020, Ferrier used Twitter to propose that someone should “please shoot [T]rump in the face.”

Yesterday, Ferrier pleaded guilty to prohibitions with respect to biological weapons before the Honorable Dabney L. Friedrich of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. She also pleaded guilty to eight additional violations of prohibitions with respect to biological weapons in a case brought against her in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas and consented to the transfer of that case to the District of Columbia for plea and sentencing.

Her sentencing hearing is scheduled for April 26, according to MSN.  If the court accepts and goes forward with her plea agreement, Ferrier is expected to be sentenced to 21 years and eight months in prison. 

For more on the now infamous Pascale Ferrier, see the video accompanying this article.

(Source: Department of Justice)
(Cover photo, Image credits, Donald Trump / eBay, and, Pascale Ferrier / DoJ)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on FacebookTwitter Instagram

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