Florida Proud Boy Christopher Worrell, found guilty of Jan. 6 felonies, now on the lam, wanted by the FBI

Proud Boy Christopher Worrell, found guilty of Jan. 6 felonies, now on the lam, wanted by the FBI

After being convicted on multiple violent crimes during the Capitol Riot (including assaulting police) he could have been looking at 120-years maximum in prison – he was supposed to be sentenced last Friday.

Wealthy dentist convicted of killing wife while on African safari expected to be sentenced to life in prison today

Wealthy dentist convicted of killing wife on African safari expected to be sentenced to life, today

The dentist was also found guilty if trying to defraud multiple insurance companies for almost $5M claiming his wife’s shooting death was an accident

Gunman who killed 11 and injured more in Tree of Life Synagogue mass shooting has been sentenced to death

Gunman who killed 11 and injured more in Tree of Life Synagogue mass shooting has been sentenced to death

“Returning a sentence of death is not a decision that comes easy, but we must hold accountable those who wish to commit such terrible acts of antisemitism, hate, and violence,” the family said