Connor Betts, Dayton mass gunman, compiled ‘hit list’ and ‘rape list’ while still in high school

The U.S. is still reeling from the two unrelated mass shootings that took place and only about 12 hours apart this weekend in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. On Saturday morning, Patrick Crusius, 21, of Dallas, was arrested after shooting up an El Paso Walmart store. He killed 20 people and injured 27 more. Crusius was captured alive, charged with capital murder and might also be charged as a domestic terrorist.
Then the nation woke up Sunday morning to hear the horrifying news that overnight, around 1 a.m., Connor Betts, 24, of Bellbrook, Ohio – wearing body armor and armed with an assault rifle – began shooting up an entertainment district in Dayton where he killed nine people and injured 27 more. Betts was killed in the carnage, but not before killing his own sister Megan Betts, who was one of the nine people he murdered in those early morning hours.
The two mass shootings were approximately 1,600 miles apart. It’s still not clear whether Connor Betts killing his sister was intentional or accidental; but we know that the two traveled to the nightclub district together on the night of the shootings.
Betts drove to the site of the shooting with his sister and an unidentified male companion, according to Police Chief Richard Biehl. Betts killed his sister and wounded the companion, who is now reportedly cooperating with police. According to two law-enforcement sources who spoke to CNN, authorities do not believe the companion knew about the attack in advance. ~ The Daily Beast
Last night, The Los Angeles Times reported that several of Connor Betts’ high school classmates said that the now deceased mass killer was suspended from their Bellbrook High School for compiling a “hit list” of those he wanted to kill and a “rape list” of girls he wanted to sexually assault.
One of those classmates, Spencer Brickler, told the media that he learned from his high school counselor that both he and his sister were on Betts’ hit list.
“He was kind of dark and depressive in high school,” said Brickler, who recalled the incident occurring about nine years ago when he was a freshman. He said he had no idea what prompted Betts, then a sophomore, to put him or his sister on the list. ~ Fox News
Because the area that Betts had selected for his massacre was a popular nightlife district, police were already on the scene and in large numbers. It was reported that law enforcement shot and killed Betts approximately 30 seconds after he opened fire on the crowds in that area. There is still no known motive for Betts’ shooting spree.
The moment that police officers on the scene took down Connor Betts can be viewed in the video accompanying this article.
~ Written by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter