Convicted rapist and child molester serving life sentence set free from Georgia prison by mistake

Convicted rapist and child molester serving life sentence set free from Georgia prison by mistake

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Convicted rapist and child molester serving life sentence set free from Georgia prison by mistake
Tony Maycon Munoz-Mendez, Image credit: Georgia Department of Corrections

Yesterday, October 28, the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) released word that one of their inmates is on the loose after being released “in error.”  Officials said that the mistaken release took place around 11:30 a.m. on October 25 when Tony Maycon Munoz-Mendez, 31, was inadvertently set free from Rogers State Prison in Reidsville, Georgia. 

Munoz-Mendez was only four and a half years into his life sentence when he was released by mistake.

Now considered a prison escapee, Munoz-Mendez, was convicted of rape and aggravated child molestation in Gwinnett County, Georgia, and began his life sentence behind bars in April 2015, according to CBS Atlanta affiliate WGCL-TV

Munoz-Mendez is a white male with brown hair and brown eyes who is 5’9” and weighs 186 pounds, according to the GDC.

Questions have arisen as to why it took three days for the GDC to release word that their inmate was released in error and when they realized he was set free by mistake.

“The priority of the GDC is apprehending the offender as quickly as possible and at this time we have all resources focused on the search,” the department said. “As soon as the error was discovered, the GDC immediately put those resources into place. While we do not have enough information to share specifics of the search, we will be following any and every lead made available to us.”

The department urged anyone who sees Munoz-Mendez not to approach him and to call 911 immediately.

For more on the mistaken release of the convicted rapist and child molester Tony Maycon Munoz-Mendez, see the video accompanying this article.

~ Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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