Convicted sex predator, just released from prison, arrested in Florida after cutting off ankle monitor

Convicted sex predator, just released from prison, arrested in Florida after cutting off ankle monitor

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(Hirum Eric Croxall booking photo, Image credit: Hernando County Sheriff’s Office)

On Thursday, at approximately 6:22 p.m., the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office, with offices in Brooksville and Spring Hill, Florida, received a call from the Florida Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole advising that Convicted Sexual Predator, Hirum Eric Croxall, had removed his court ordered ankle monitor while at a local business in Hernando County.

The 65-year-old Croxall had just been released from Florida State Prison in Tallahassee, when he boarded a bus headed toward Manatee County. For unknown reasons, he got off the bus in Hernando County and proceeded to a shopping plaza, entering a large retail store.

Once inside, Croxall picked up a packaged hunting knife and entered the public restroom. Croxall then used the knife to cut off his ankle monitor, which he threw into a toilet. He left the knife in the restroom and then exited the store.

Deputies responding to the store recovered the ankle monitor in the restroom, and then soon afterwards located Croxall in the rear parking lot. Deputies took Croxall into custody and charged him with Violation of Conditional Release and Tampering with Electronic Monitoring Device.  He was then was transported to the Hernando County Detention Center where he is being held without bond.

  • If you have information on this case, please contact Hernando County Crime Stoppers. You will remain anonymous!
  • Hernando County Crime Stoppers can be reached by phone at 1-866-990-TIPS (8477) or **TIPS from a cell phone.
  • You may also submit your tip via the internet at .
  • You will remain anonymous and also be eligible for a reward up to $5,000 cash!

(Source:  Hernando County Sheriff’s Office)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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