Cops looking for naked man who spent 24 hours vandalizing inside of Miramar High School

Police in Miramar, Florida, are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying a burglar who spent the day naked and unafraid while seriously vandalizing the inside of Miramar High School. Cops say he broke in and spent at least 24 hours in the school causing extensive damage.
Need to Identify: He broke into Miramar High and spent an entire day vandalizing the school – while naked – causing upwards of $100,000 in damages. Identify him and you will be eligible for a reward of up to $3,000. Call Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. #Reward #MiramarHigh ~ per Miramar PD / Facebook
News 7 Miami shared a quote from Miramar Police spokesperson Tania Rues, who said, “He broke TVs. He broke computers. You have graffiti. You have flooding caused in different areas. I mean, there’s extensive damage.”
“Unfortunately, some of the areas within the school was unlocked,” Rues said. “He was naked the whole time! The person who did this spent 24 hours in a school destroying property, and he did this while he was naked.”
“The amount of damage, the extent of damage that was caused, we can’t even put into words,” Rues said. “Being at a school for almost a full day and causing this much damage is unusual.”
Most of the burglar’s activities inside the school were captured on surveillance video. Police said the man broke into the school at 7 a.m. on Monday, May 24 – and didn’t leave the premises until the following Tuesday at 6 a.m.
Police also said the man appears to be in his late teens or early 20s.
If you have any information on this break-in, call Broward County Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a $3,000 reward. ~ WSVN

Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter