COVID-19 outbreak at Towson University shifting in-person classes to remote learning format

Wednesday, August 26 Update:
(Original posting from Monday, 24:)
Today is the official first day of classes for Towson University (TU) in Towson, Maryland. Many resident students had already moved in the campus dorms. Classes were scheduled to begin with a combination of traditional in-person classes as well as classes meeting 100% on-line. Over the weekend, the university announced a “temporary shift to a 100% remote learning format for the first week of the fall semester, due to an increase in positive COVID-19 test results.”
The University newsroom reported that a sample of 627 tests conducted on campus between Wednesday, August 19 and Thursday, August 20 as part of TU’s mandatory baseline testing initiative returned a total of 55 positive results on Saturday, August 22.
Individuals with positive test results are being contacted by phone, per established protocol and contact tracing is underway in coordination with Baltimore County.
In accordance with the University System of Maryland requirement, TU requires a negative test for all students, faculty, staff and contract workers prior to coming to campus before the start of the fall semester in an effort to create a safe learning environment.
None of the 55 individuals who tested positive are on campus. TU’s positivity rate, including the 55 positive cases reported Saturday, is 1.63% for the most recent two weeks. The most recent Baltimore County positivity rate is 3.5%.
All TU classes, which were to resume for fall semester on Monday, August 24, will now be conducted in a remote modality through Sunday, August 30.
All non-essential faculty and staff should continue to work remotely during this time.
The university has closed Burdick Hall, and all on-campus activities are cancelled through next Sunday.
Move-in for residential students is temporarily suspended effective Monday, and visitors are not allowed on campus.
“The temporary move to fully remote learning is critical for the continued health and safety of our community, which remains TU’s top priority. These actions are being taken out of caution and concern for all students, faculty and staff.” ~ WBAL
Students who have already moved into on-campus residential facilities will receive specific guidance for this phase from the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
The university posted a reminder for everyone on campus to “please remember to wear your mask at all times when on campus, practice safe physical distancing of six feet or more, avoid large gatherings of people and wash your hands often.”

See the university’s:
- Frequently Asked Questions regarding the current COVID-19 situation on campus
- Latest updates on the Return to TU
- State of Maryland Coronavirus Disease Outbreak: Cases, Testing and General Information
For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.
(Source: Towson University)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter