CW network cancels ‘Supergirl’ and Melissa Benoist is OK with that

In what many superhero fans worldwide are calling shocking and unexpected bad news, the star of TV’s “Supergirl” announced that the CW is cancelling her super series. Melissa Benoist took to Instagram to share the bad news and to say what an honor it’s been for her to portray that iconic character.
The good news is that there will be one more full season for the show, after which “TV’s Supergirl will be hanging up her cape after the upcoming sixth and final season,” according to Hollywood.com.
Production is set to commence for the final season later next week in Vancouver, Canada. Production will shoot around the pregnant Benoist at first but then she’ll catch up after her baby is born.
Production on the “Supergirl” curtain call is set to begin later this month, and the writers have already started developing storylines for the final 20 episodes, according to sources. The network is aiming to premiere the sixth and final season sometime in 2021. ~ MSN
Posting a pic and a message from her first season as the Girl of Steel, Benoist writes . . .
“To say it has been an honor portraying this iconic character would be a massive understatement,” she wrote. “Seeing the incredible impact the show has had on young girls around the world has always left me humbled and speechless.
“She’s had that impact on me, too. She’s taught me strength I didn’t know I had, to find hope in the darkest of places, and that we are stronger when we’re united. What she stands for pushes all of us to be better. She has changed my life for the better, and I’m forever grateful. I’m so excited that we get to plan our conclusion to this amazing journey, and I cannot wait for you to see what we have in store.
“I promise we’re going to make it one helluva final season.”
The reason for the cancellation? The show has suffered falling ratings of late and the decision to hang up the “Supergirl” cape was mutually arrived at by the CW and Benoist herself, who is reportedly looking forward to moving on to new adventures.
And the airwaves won’t be without the iconic red and blue suit as “Superman & Lois” will also be debuting on the CW soon. Fans are hoping Supergirl will make guest appearances in that new show – either in the form of Benoist or from a different actor completely.
“Supergirl” debuted in 2015. Over the last few seasons, Jesse Rath has been on the show portraying Brainiac 5 – a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, a group who bands together to fight injustice in the 30th and 31st centuries. In the comics, Supergirl has left this time to join the Legion in the future. This might be the CW’s excuse for her leaving in the final episode.
“Supergirl” Slide Show
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter