Cyclist who attacked young girl and others for posting BLM flyers turns himself in to police

Cyclist who attacked young girl and others for posting BLM flyers surrenders to police

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Ace News Today - Cyclist who attacked young girl and others for posting BLM flyers turns himself in to police
Anthony Brennan III: Image credit: Maryland National Capital Park Police

The white cyclist who drew national attention and disdain after attacking several white youngsters for posting Black Lives Matter flyers in Bethesda, Maryland, has turned himself in to police.  The cyclist, 60-year-old Anthony Brennan III of Kensington, Maryland, surrendered to authorities on the evening of June 5 and was promptly charged with three counts of second-degree assault.

Brennan didn’t have much choice but to surrender after police received a multitude of tips that helped point them in the cyclist’s direction.

NBC News in Washington D.C. shared a statement provided by Brennan’s legal counsel:

“I am sick with remorse for the pain and fear I caused the victims on the trail, and online,” Brennan said. “I am cooperating fully with authorities. I am committed to making amends by addressing, through counseling, the underlying issues that led to my abhorrent behavior.”

According to the Maryland-National Capital Park Police, Brennan’s assaults took place on June 1 around 12:45 p.m.  Although viewers can see that a young girl who appears to be approximately 12 years old  was assaulted, the police are referring to the three victims as “young adults” – one male and two females.  The three were posting Black Lives Matter flyers along the trail.

Brennan began to argue about the flyers and forcibly grabbed the flyers from one of the victims. Before leaving the scene, the suspect pushed his bicycle towards the male victim and caused him to fall to the ground.

See the video below of those assaults.

Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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See the original story below: 
Cops want to I.D. white cyclist who attacked white children posting Black Lives Matter flyers (Video)

(June 5, 2020)  Police in Montgomery County, Maryland, want to identify a white cyclist who assaulted several white youngsters posting Black Lives Matter flyers along the Capital Crescent Trail on Monday in Bethesda.  Caught on cell phone video, viewers can see the cyclist go after a little girl and wrestle the flyers away from her while her friends yell at the assailant.  The cyclist then goes after the person taking the video.

The person taking the video said the cyclist tried pinning him to the ground using his bike.

The man who shot the video says when the suspect noticed him filming, the cyclist grabbed his bike and charged at him and knocked him down.  The suspect began to ride his bike down the path, but turned back around and began yelling obscenities at the group.  ~ KCTV 5

The video is so shocking that it was shared many times on social media platforms as tips flooded into the police.  Well-meaning citizens accused several innocents, including Peter Weinberg, a retired police officer from Montgomery County, who has since been cleared.

Police are still tracking down leads and are now looking for a man who used to be employed by Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA).

“He was just cycling down the trail,” one of the victims, who wished to remain anonymous, told Patch. “He videoed us on his first pass by, then stopped about 50 feet passed us and asked to see my signs, in a friendly tone. When I went to show him the signs he ripped them out of my hands and then started to go after my friends. That’s when I started recording.” ~ The Patch

If you have any information regarding the June 1 incident that took place on the Capital Crescent Trail, please contact the Montgomery County Park Police.

You can see that shocking video of the cyclist attacking that little girl below.

Written by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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