Deputy hired and fired same day after high school student recognized him as predator who solicited her for sex pics on Snapchat

Deputy hired and fired same day after high school student recognized him as predator who solicited her for sex pics on Snapchat

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(Kai Stewart Cromer, booking photo, Image credit: IRCSO)

Direct from our Strange News and Stupid Criminals files, is the story about a newly hired deputy that was sworn in with Florida’s Indian River County Sheriff’s Office (IRCSO) on Monday morning and arrested and terminated later that same day when a student at Vero Beach High School recognized him as child predator. In less than one day on the job, Kai Stewart Cromer was sworn in, arrested, fired, jailed, and charged with possession of child pornography.

Cromer, a 19-year-old from Vero Beach and an Indian River County local, was sworn in as a detective on Monday morning, but by sundown, his boss had issued a search warrant for his phone, according to CBS News 12.

Cromer’s day went from being a newly hired deputy to being jailed when a courageous student at Vero Beach High School recognized him as the individual who demanded from her and others, sexually explicit digital images – or else he’d use his position of authority to cause trouble for the girls. The brave student that came forward provided the means for IRCSO to get a search warrant for Cromer’s phone.

The search of his phone ultimately revealed sexually explicit pictures and videos of underage girls; and it was discovered that Cromer had also contacted other victims via Snapchat, according to WPBF.  IRC Sheriff Eric Flowers held a press conference to address the situation.

Ace News Today - Deputy hired and fired same day after high school student recognized him as predator who solicited her for sex pics on Snapchat
(Kai Stewart Cromer, booking photo, Image credit: IRCSO)

Flowers said that he “was here to tell you about the arrest of one of our own.”

“At the beginning of the day one of those deputies by the name of Kai Stewart Cromer walked onto campus of one of our high schools here in town. And a brave young female alerted our staff that this deputy had been contacting her via Snapchat asking her to send photographs — pictures, topless pictures — and that she felt very uncomfortable. That began our investigation.”

“He was telling people, ‘I’m going to be law enforcement. I’m very powerful,'” Flowers said.

“I’m here to make a plea to the public,” Flowers added. “He used his name as his Snapchat handle. We want the public to know, if you’ve seen his guy on Snapchat, if he has contacted you, we need to talk to you.”

The sheriff’s office can be contacted at 772-569-6700. If you wish to remain anonymous call Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers at 1-800-273-8477.

Yesterday, Vero Beach High School released the following statement:

“Important Notice: We are deeply troubled by the recent arrest of a newly hired IRCSO deputy for soliciting inappropriate photos from underage students at VBHS. This individual was NOT working at VBHS. The safety and well-being of our students are our highest priorities.”

Following his arrest, Cromer was transported to the Indian River County Jail where he was being held on a $15,000 bond.


Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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