Disney star Stoney Westmoreland arrested, charged with soliciting minor female for sex

Disney star Stoney Westmoreland arrested, charged with soliciting minor female for sex

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Disney star Stoney Westmoreland arrested, charged with soliciting minor female for sex
Stoney Westmoreland, Image Credit: Salt Lake City Police Department

Stoney Westmoreland, the actor who portrayed Henry “Ham” Mack, the grandfather in the hugely popular family comedy-drama TV series “Andi Mack” on the Disney Channel, was fired from that role after being arrested in Utah on Thursday, “for allegedly attempting to have a sexual relationship with an online acquaintance he believed was 13 years old,” according to ABC News.  The failed liaison was part of a police sting being conducted by the Salt Lake City Police Department. 

Police say that the actor arranged the sexual encounter with the 13-year-old through an online dating app. In reality though, Westmoreland was texting with an undercover cop online, not a young girl.

Detectives in Salt Lake City said that the 48-year-old Westmoreland was arrested while he was making his way to what he thought was to be a face-to-face sexual rendezvous with that minor female. Following his arrest, he was charged with enticing a minor and sending inappropriate materials, including nude images.

Police have accused him of asking the person he believed to be a minor to engage in sex acts, and sending pornographic images of male genitalia and of men having anal sex, reported ABC7.

He also allegedly attempted to solicit nude pictures from the minor.  ~ per Newsweek

By Saturday, December 15, Westmoreland had been fired from his acting gig with the Disney Channel.  Newsweek also shared a portion of a statement released by Disney spokeswoman Patty McTeague that read, “Given the nature of the charges and our responsibility for the welfare of employed minors, we have released him from his recurring role and he will not be returning to work on the series which wraps production on its third season next week.”

In addition to co-starring in “Andi Mack,” actor / producer Westmoreland is known for his work in “Godzilla” (1998), “Matchstick Men” (2003) and “Golden Boy” (2018), according to IMDB.

Following his arrest, Westmoreland was transported to jail in Salt Lake City where he was being held on a $30,000 bond.

Also see:

isney star Stoney Westmoreland arrested, charged with soliciting minor female for sex
Image credit: AndiMackFans / Facebook

~ Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today  /   Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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