Dramatic video shows arrest of Texas kidnapper and rescue of 8-year-old girl (Video)

Dramatic video shows arrest of Texas kidnapper and rescue of 8-year-old girl (Video)

Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Kidnapped, Missing Persons, Police, Public Health and Safety, Top News, Violent Crimes
Ace News Today - Dramatic video shows arrest of Texas kidnapper and rescue of 8-year-old girl (Video)
Video snippet,  Image credit: Inside Edition, YouTube

On the evening of May 18 on 6th Avenue in Fort Worth, Texas, an eight-year-old girl was torn from the arms of her mother by a man who performed a successful kidnapping in broad daylight and made a clean getaway.  Only a few days later, the kidnapper was identified to be 51-year-old Michael Webb.  Yesterday, police in Texas released the dramatic video depicting the harrowing moments when cops busted into a hotel room, busted the naked Webb – and saved the girl.

According to evidence presented at trial, Webb grabbed the little girl as she and her mother were walking down Fort Worth’s 6th Avenue at 6:38 p.m. on Saturday, May 18. Neighborhood surveillance video shows the victim’s mother knocked to the ground as Webb’s car drives away.  ~ CBS News

The video just released shows the officers busting through the hotel door where the naked kidnapper eventually surrendered himself to the authorities.  Moments later, after Webb had been handcuffed, the eight-year-old kidnap victim bounced out of a laundry basket in the room.

“We got her, we got her!” officers announced on their radios. “He’s in custody; we have her.”  ~ NBC News

Michael Webb has since been convicted in the child’s kidnapping and sentenced to life behind bars, according to The New York Post.

“We believe that justice has been served in this case. And we are thankful for and agree with the Judge’s decision to sentence him to life in prison. My hope is that this family and this community will find solace in knowing that he will never be able to harm another little child again,” said U.S. Attorney Nealy Cox.

For more on the story, and to see the dramatic rescue, check out the video below.

(All images credited to Inside Edition, YouTube)

~ Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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