Drugs, gun, money: SWAT takes down drug house in Vero Beach

On November 12, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office in Vero Beach, Florida, reported setting their Special Investigations Unit loose to conduct a narcotics investigation into a Vero Beach resident and known felon, Sylvester Cannon Jr. The investigation into Cannon’s activities led to the issuance of a search warrant served by a SWAT team on November 10 at a residence located in the 4500 block of 33rd avenue in the Gifford section of Indian River County.
As a result of the search warrant, the following items were recovered:
- 54 bags of powder and crack cocaine weighing 45 grams
- 23 bags of cannabis weighing 61 grams
- 1 Taurus Judge .410 / .45 caliber revolver
- 50 rounds of various ammunition
- $8171.00 in U.S. currency
Sylvester Cannon Jr. was arrested and charged with the following:
- Trafficking in Cocaine
- Possession of Cannabis over 20 grams
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon
Cannon is a seven-time convicted felon in the State of Florida with multiple stints in prison. At the time of his arrest, Cannon was out on bond for aggravated assault with a firearm and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
TC Palm reported that Cannon was out of jail on bail from an October 2 arrest when he was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and weapon possession.
A deputy said in the affidavit Cannon told authorities he sold the drugs to support himself and an elderly family member. he also said the substances were for his personal use. Officials said Cannon has seven prior convictions and upward of 15 felony arrests.
Also arrested in the November bust was another Vero Beach resident, Freddie Lee Gordon, who was charged with Felony Sale of Cocaine within 1000’ of a Church, and Possession of Cocaine. Gordon was taken into custody in the 3990 block of 47th Place in Vero Beach and was jailed with no bond. He has a court date set for December 4.

Public records also show that Gordon was charged with two felonies in 2007 as a felony sex offender who had failed to notify authorities of an address or name change.
(Cover photos: Sylvester Cannon Jr. and Freddie Lee Gordon, 2020 Booking Photos)
(Source: Indian River Sheriff’s Office)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter