Drunken Tennessee woman charged after groping passengers, assaulting Spirit Air flight crew

Drunken woman charged after groping passengers, assaulting Spirit Air flight crew

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Ace News Today - Drunken Tennessee woman charged after groping passengers, assaulting Spirit Air flight crew

(Image credit: Spirit Airlines / Facebook)

On December 28, a federal criminal complaint was filed against a Tennessee woman charging her with interfering with a flight crew on board a Spirit Airlines flight flying to Nashville on November 27.  That same day, Amanda Renee Henry, 43, surrendered to FBI agents in Nashville and appeared in a Nashville courtroom to face those charges.

“In accordance with the Attorney General’s directive, the prosecution of those who endanger the safety of airline passengers, flight crews, and flight attendants is a priority of this office,” said U.S. Attorney Wildasin.  Those whose behavior disrupts or otherwise endangers the safety of persons on aircrafts should expect to face federal charges.”

According to the criminal complaint, Henry was a passenger on a flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and became disruptive and appeared to be intoxicated.  Passengers seated next to Henry requested to be moved to other seats due to her disruptive behavior. 

(Henry) was witnessed by other passengers vaping during the flight. (She) also allegedly made other male passengers uncomfortable when she placed her hands on one of them and made lewd sexual advances, according to the complaint. ~ CNN

Since Henry was seated next to an emergency exit, flight attendants decided for the safety of everyone on board to move her to another seat.  When they requested that Henry move, she refused and grabbed her carry-on bag and ran toward the front of the aircraft screaming, “I’m getting off this plane.” 

Another flight attendant blocked Henry from getting to the main cabin door and began to restrain her, at which time Henry began to kick and hit the flight attendant.  Henry also assaulted the other flight attendant who assisted in trying to restrain her. 

One of the flight attendants was able to restrain Henry with handcuffs.  A passenger, who was an off-duty firefighter, assisted the crew by sitting with Henry and keeping her calm for the duration of the flight.  When the plane landed at Nashville International Airport, Henry was arrested by the Nashville Airport Department of Public Safety and charged with public intoxication.

If convicted of the federal offense, Henry faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

(Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office, Middle District of Tennessee)
(Amanda Renee Henry mugshot, Image credit: Metropolitan Nashville Police Department)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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