Elementary school principal busted soliciting 15-year-old boy online for sex

Elementary school principal busted soliciting 15-year-old boy online for sex

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Ace News Today - Elementary school principal busted soliciting 15-year-old boy online for sex

(Image credit: Google Maps)

Yesterday, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office headquartered in Tampa, Florida, arrested a principal with the Hillsborough County School District on multiple charges that he sent sexually explicit texts to an undercover detective that he thought was a young boy.

From January 19 to January 27, undercover detectives were portraying themselves as a 15-year-old boy during a chat operation to identify individuals attempting to exploit children. During that time, a 41-year-old public school principal, Derrick McLaughlin, initiated a text conversation on a social media app with the undercover detectives.

During the course of the police investigation, McLaughlin attempted to entice the undercover detectives he believed was a teenager to engage in sexual acts. McLaughlin is the principal at Dawson Elementary School in Riverview, Florida.  He was hired by the school system in December 2002, according to Fox News.

WFLA shared a statement by Erin Maloney, a spokesperson with Hillsborough County Public Schools.

“We are shocked and deeply troubled by the charges filed against Derrick McLaughlin. Our top priority is the safety and wellbeing of students and staff. Mr. McLaughlin is currently on administrative leave pending the outcome of the criminal investigation.”

McLaughlin was arrested on January 27.

He’s looking at charges of Transmission of Harmful Material to a Minor, Unlawful Use of a Two-Way Communications Device, and Use of Computer Services or Devices to Solicit Certain Illegal Acts. McLaughlin made suicidal comments at the time of his arrest and has been placed under a Baker Act.

“It’s sickening that a trusted member of our community, a school principal, would take advantage of a child for his own self-gratification,” said Sheriff Chad Chronister. “Thankfully, it was not a child, but one of our detectives, who was on the receiving end of his obscene messages. No child should be subjected to the disturbing behavior put on display by McLaughlin.”

There is no indication at this time that there are any additional victims out there. But, the investigation remains active.

(Source, Derrick McLaughlin mugshot: Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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