Excerpt from Joe Biden’s remarks on Brittney Griner’s release, RE: Paul Whelan

Excerpt from Joe Biden’s remarks on Brittney Griner’s release, RE: Paul Whelan

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Ace News Today - Excerpt from Joe Biden’s remarks on Brittney Griner’s release, RE: Paul Whelan
(Brittney Griner released from Russian prison, Image credit: Brittney Griner / Facebook)

Excerpt: President Joe Biden’s press conference of December 8, 2022

“… She wrote to me back in July.  She didn’t ask for special treatment, even though we’ve been working on her release from the day one.  She requested a simple, quote, “Please don’t forget about me and the other American detainees.  Please do all you can to bring us home.”

We never forgot about Brittney.  And we’ve not forgotten about Paul Whelan, who has been unjustly detained in Russia for years.  This was not a choice of which American to bring home.  We brought home Trevor Reed when we had a chance earlier this year.  Sadly, for totally illegitimate reasons, Russia is treating Paul’s case differently than Brittney’s.  And while we have not yet succeeded in securing Paul’s release, we are not giving up.  We will never give up.

We remain in close touch with Paul’s family, the Whelan family.  And my thoughts and prayers are with them today.  They have to have such mixed emotions today.  And we’ll keep negotiating in good faith for Paul’s release.  I guarantee that.  I say that to the family: I guarantee you. 

And I urge Russia to do the same to ensure that Paul’s health and humane treatment are maintained until we can — are able to bring him home. …”

Griner arrived in the U.S. early Friday, landing at Kelly Field in San Antonio, Texas.

See the full text from the President’s December 8 press briefing here.

See the video of his press conference, below.

(Source: The White House)

Posted by Richard Webster  Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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