Fifth body recovered from site of Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse site

(Site of the Key Bridge Collapse, Image Credit: Unified Command Live Video Feed)
Just hours ago, the Francis Scott Key Bridge Unified Command announced the recovery of another missing victim from the bottom of the Key Bridge collapse site. That recovery was made yesterday, on May 1. Officials identified the victim as 49-year-old Miguel Angel Luna Gonzalez of Glen Burnie, Maryland.
Yesterday, Unified Command salvage teams located one of the missing construction vehicles and promptly notified the Maryland Department of State Police.
Maryland State Police investigators along with officers from the Maryland Transportation Authority Police and the FBI responded to the scene and recovered the body of a fifth construction worker inside a red truck. Assistance was also provided by the Maryland State Police Underwater Recovery Team and Crime Scene Unit.
Eight road crew workers were on the Key Bridge and on break from repairing potholes when the bridge collapsed over a month ago. Two of the workers were successfully rescued almost immediately and four of the deceased victims were later recovered, leaving two of the workers still unaccounted for. With yesterday’s recovery, only one more of the victims remains unaccounted for.
The bodies of Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, 35, Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26, and Maynor Yasir Suazo-Sandoval, 38, were previously recovered. At the request of the family, authorities have not released the name of the fourth victim, whose body was recovered last month. ~ ABC News
“We remain dedicated to the ongoing recovery operations while knowing behind each person lost in this tragedy lies a loving family,” said Colonel Roland L. Butler, Jr., Superintendent of the Maryland Department of State Police. “Along with our local, state and federal partners, we ask that everyone extend their deepest sympathies and support to the families during this difficult time.”
WBAL-TV shared the following statement released by Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott:
“With the news that a fifth victim has been located, there is some small peace provided to another family amidst all the agony they’ve endured. I extend my gratitude to the entire Unified Command and the salvage teams for remaining focused on bringing closure to the families while working around the clock to clear the channel. While we continue to be heartbroken for all of these families, one more soul has been brought home, but one Marylander is still missing. To the family still waiting, our entire city joins you in hope for the same closure soon and shares in your grief. We continue to be here for you, in whatever way you need, now and always.”
The Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command includes the:
- U.S. Coast Guard
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Maryland Department of the Environment
- Maryland Transportation Authority
- Maryland State Police
- Witt O’Brien’s representing Synergy Marine
Related, also see:
- See live video feed of the Francis Scott Key Bridge salvage operations
- Fourth body recovered following Key Bridge collapse; FBI opens formal criminal investigation into ship that caused the destruction
- Latest updates on operations at Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse site, containers being removed (Images)
- First vessel passes through temporary channel carved out by Key Bridge Response Unified Command
- Officials will enforce ‘no drone zone’ extending for three miles around Key Bridge
- FBI on Key Bridge destruction: ‘No information to suggest ties to terrorism at this time’
- Shocking video: Entire span of Baltimore’s ‘Key Bridge’ collapses into the river below after being struck by cargo ship
For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.
(Source: Key Bridge Response 2024 Unified Command)
(Cover photo of Miguel Angel Luna Gonzalez, Image credit: Twitter)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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