Final report: RFK’s granddaughter, Saoirse Kennedy Hill, died of a drug overdose

“The world is a little less beautiful today” ~ Ethel Kennedy
Almost four months after her tragic and untimely death, The Boston Globe released word yesterday that Saoirse Kennedy Hill, the 22-year-old granddaughter of assassinated presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, died of a drug overdose.
… a toxicology test found methadone, fluoxetine, norfluoxetine, diazepam, nordiazepam and alcohol in her system. Fluoxetine is an antidepressant, and diazepam is used to treat anxiety and alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
On August 1, the Kennedy family released a somber statement announcing that Hill, the 22-year-old granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy, had died at the iconic Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. It was revealed at that time that Hill had long struggled with depression, and that she passed away from a drug overdose.
“She lit up our lives with her love, her peals of laughter and her generous spirit,” the statement said, adding that she was passionate about human rights and women’s empowerment and worked with indigenous communities to build schools in Mexico.
“The world is a little less beautiful today,” the statement quoted Hill’s 91-year-old grandmother, Ethel Kennedy, as saying. ~ Nola
Hill attended Boston College and would have graduated in 2020. CBS News shared that she was in the headlines back when she was only 10 years old in 2007 when she was walking home from tennis practice and two men in a white van pulled up next to her in a failed abduction attempt. The 10-year-old managed to run away to safety.
Regarding her struggles with depression, as recently as 2016 she prepared an opinion piece for her high school newspaper at The Deefield Academy in western Massachusetts where she wrote:
“My depression took root in the beginning of my middle school years and will be with me for the rest of my life. Although I was mostly a happy child, I suffered bouts of deep sadness that felt like a heavy boulder on my chest.” ~ By Saoirse Kennedy-Hill ’16 Contributing, Writer FEB 03, 2016
The home where Hill died was also home to many from the Kennedy Clan over the years, and even served as the Summer White House for President John F. Kennedy. CNN reported that the Kennedy Compound consists of three homes and is located on six acres of land along Nantucket Sound.
~ Written by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter