Florida girls arrested for making ominous school shooting threat scribbled on bathroom mirror

Florida girls arrested for making ominous school shooting threat scribbled on bathroom mirror

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Ace News Today - Florida girls arrested for making ominous school shooting threat scribbled on bathroom mirror
(Tavares Middle School, Image credit: Google Maps)

On Friday, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office headquartered in Tavares, Florida, announced that two teen girls enrolled in the local middle school were arrested after leaving an ominous threat scribbled on a school bathroom mirror.  The two 13-year-old female students were taken into custody on Thursday, April 27, at Tavares Middle School after a threat of a school shooting was written in marker on a bathroom mirror. The school resource deputy began an investigation into that threat after being notified by other students who found that threatening message in one of the girls’ bathrooms.

The scribbled threat read:
“School Shooting Friday @ 2:00”.
Ace News Today - Florida girls arrested for making ominous school shooting threat scribbled on bathroom mirror
(Image credit: Lake County Sheriff’s Office – Florida)

According to the Sheriff’s Office, the resource deputy was able to quickly identify the two female students who were responsible. One admitted to writing the threat along with the other student. When deputies searched their backpacks, each one had markers that matched the writing on the mirror.

The two girls were placed under arrest and transported to the Lake County Detention Center.  The Sheriff’s Office said that the students were both charged with Making Written Threats and Disrupting School Function.

For more on the two Florida teens arrested for threatening a school shooting at Tavares Middle School, see the video accompanying this article.

(Source:  Lake County Sheriff’s Office – Florida)  /  (Cover photo, image credit: Twitter)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on FacebookTwitter Instagram

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