Florida high school monitor arrested for soliciting teen students for porn

Florida high school monitor arrested for soliciting teen students for porn

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Ace News Today - Florida high school monitor arrested for soliciting teen students for porn
Blanche Ely High School, Image credit: B.E.H.S. Alumni & Friends Association

On August 4, Florida’s Broward Sheriff’s Office reported that a Broward County Public Schools campus monitor is facing several criminal charges, including soliciting minors and transmitting harmful material to minors; and detectives are concerned there may be more young victims in the community. That school monitor was identified as being 31-year-old Alton Johnson of Lauderhill, Florida.

Johnson is accused of soliciting two teens to send him sexually explicit videos. He also allegedly offered one of the teens money in exchange for a video. Johnson who worked at Blanche Ely High School in Pompano Beach sent pornographic photos to one of the juveniles.  ~ Local 10 News

Back in February, Broward Sheriff’s Office detectives began a joint investigation with the Broward County Public Schools Special Investigative Unit into Johnson for those crimes.  The investigation determined that Johnson, who worked at Blanche Ely High School, solicited two juveniles to send him sexually explicit videos.

In one case, Johnson offered the juvenile money in exchange for the video. Johnson is also accused of sending pornographic images to one of the juveniles. Additionally, Johnson is charged with being an authority figure engaged in lewd conduct with a student.

On August 4, Johnson was booked into the Broward County Main Jail on five criminal charges.  

Due to Johnson’s job and proximity to minors, detectives fear there may be more victims.

Anyone with information about Johnson that could assist investigators is asked to contact Special Victims Unit Detective Robert Rausch at 954-321-4234. If you wish to remain anonymous, contact Broward Crime Stoppers at 954-493-TIPS (8477) or online at browardcrimestoppers.org.  

(Cover photo, Alton Johnson, Image credit: BCSO)
(Source: Broward Sheriff’s Office)

~  Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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