Florida inmates learn valuable job skills building homes for Habitat for Humanity

Florida inmates learn valuable job skills building homes for Habitat for Humanity

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Florida inmates learn valuable job skills building homes for Habitat for Humanity
Inmates raise the first wall on the new home alongside the future homeowner, who is also required to put sweat equity into the construction.  Image credit: CCSO

On September 25, Florida’s Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) reported that their office has partnered with Habitat for Humanity to provide jail detainees the opportunity to learn new job skills by participating in building homes via the organization’s program. Through that new program, inmates receive on the job training with the Habitat for Humanity construction managers.

The program’s first home build began in August with a team of male detainees, with females joining the program and in September. Approximately 10 detainees can participate each build day and are supervised by Detention staff. Under the supervision of the construction managers, the participants learn the correct and safe way to complete each task in the home’s completion.

“Overall, the program allows detainees to learn a skill, while also giving back to the community,” stated Lt. Jessica Long, Support Services Commander in the Bureau of Detention. “It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved”.

Florida inmates learn valuable job skills building homes for Habitat for Humanity
Image credit: CCSO

Partnerships between jail facilities and Habitat for Humanity have been successfully implemented for years as a way to help keep convicts from returning to criminal behavior upon their release from prison.

“In addition to learning a new trade, this partnership allows the detainees to participate in a program that can give them a sense of accomplishment,” stated Sheriff Bill Prummell. “It provides them options upon their release to seek employment in fields for which they now have experience.”

Mike Mansfield, the Chief Executive Officer of Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity, is also pleased with the program’s progress.

“This program helps Habitat serve more families while also helping the detainees learn new skills that they can use upon release,” stated Mansfield. “Detainees learn about the Habitat home ownership program as well as ways they can engage with Habitat as volunteers. I believe this partnership benefits Habitat, detainees, and the community as well. We look forward to a continued relationship with the Sheriff’s Office.”

This program compliments a long-standing partnership between CCSO and Habitat for Humanity, the Detainee Plant Program. Through this program, female detainees take donated plants in need of resuscitation and create arrangements for newly completed homes. The plants are presented during the home dedication ceremonies.

Interested in learning more about Habitat for Humanity? Visit the Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity website.

(Source: Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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