Florida men going to jail after using tattoo parlor for producing child sexual abuse videos

Florida men going to jail after using tattoo parlor for producing child sexual abuse videos

Assault, Caught on Camera, Child Safety, Crime & Courts, Crimes Against Children, Drugs, Guns, Local, Police, Public Health and Safety, Sex Crimes, Top News, Violent Crimes

On August 29 in a Fort Pierce, Florida courtroom, 42-year-old Dustin Singleton of Hobe Sound, Florida, was sentenced to 40 years behind bars – to be followed by a lifetime of supervised release – by U.S. District Court Judge Aileen M. Cannon. Singleton had previously pleaded guilty to three counts of producing child sexual abuse material, possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine, and possession of a firearm and ammunition as a convicted felon. 

In a separate sentencing hearing, Elijah Daniel Shaw, 22, of Port St Lucie, was sentenced to a total of 259 months’ imprisonment, followed by 15 years of supervised release, by the same judge, after pleading guilty to producing and possessing child sexual abuse material.

According to court records, on April 29, 2022, following a traffic stop in Stuart, Florida, Martin County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) detectives discovered the following in Singleton’s vehicle:

  • 32.86 grams of methamphetamine with a purity level of 98%,
  • approximately 5 grams of cocaine,
  • less than a gram of fentanyl,
  • approximately 195 grams of marijuana,
  • several glass pipes,
  • hypodermic needles,
  • a loaded Smith & Wesson, Bodyguard .380 caliber semi-automatic pistol,
  • a loaded Glock type 9mm pistol built from a Polymer80 PF940C kit (“Glock clone”),
  • several unused baggies,
  • several pill bottles with various controlled substances,
  • $1,104.00 in U.S. currency, and
  • 10 cellphones.

At the time of the traffic stop, Singleton was already a convicted felon and prohibited by law from possessing firearms.

Court records further indicated that, in July 2022, a Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agent and two MCSO detectives received information that tattoo artist Singleton, aka “Greenhouse,” exchanged narcotics and tattoos for sexual activity with minor females at his Port St. Lucie tattoo shop.

Two rounds of search warrants were obtained – the first one for narcotics and the second one for child sexual abuse material, which targeted Singleton’s electronic devices. Forensic examinations of the devices revealed numerous images of Singleton and Shaw, both engaging in sexually explicit activity with a freshly tattooed 13-year-old minor female victim—recorded inside the tattoo shop.

On August 2, 2022, law enforcement arrested Shaw who identified images/videos of himself, Singleton, and the 13-year-old minor female victim and confirmed that the video was recorded inside Singleton’s tattoo parlor. An HSI special agent applied for additional search warrants for Singleton’s and Shaw’s social media and iCloud accounts, which revealed additional videos of the child sexual abuse material, spanning in excess of six hours. 

The videos began with Singleton tattooing the 13-year-old, but later progressing to Singleton administering a smoking glass pipe to the victim, while he and Shaw both recorded themselves engaging in sexually explicit activity with the victim.

In Singleton’s iCloud, investigators located additional videos revealing Singleton recorded additional tattoo shop sexual activity with two additional minor victims, each 17 years of age. Singleton recorded himself having sex with the minors, both with his iPhone and secretly, using his tattoo shop’s video surveillance system.

(Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of Florida)

~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today
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