Florida teen, 15, arrested in shooting death of U.S. Military Veteran Angela Sutton Washington

Florida teen, 15, arrested in shooting death of U.S. Military Veteran Angela Sutton Washington

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Ace News Today - Florida teen, 15, arrested in shooting death of U.S. Military Veteran Angela Sutton Washington
(Angela Sutton Washington, Image credit: gunmemorial.org)

On June 9, Police Homicide Detectives in Orlando, Florida, made an arrest in the homicide of U.S. Military Veteran Angela Sutton Washington.

On February 7 at approximately 6:51 p.m., Angela Sutton Washington was shot and killed while shopping in the plaza located at 5100 North Lane. A suspect vehicle could be seen fleeing the scene of the shooting.

Law enforcement officials have identified the suspect as 15-year-old Samuel Stevens.  Following his arrest, Stevens was charged with First Degree Murder with a Firearm.

Witnesses said that on Feb. 7, a car sped into a shopping plaza on North Lane and shot Washington.  Investigators believe the suspect aimed at someone else, but Washington was caught in the crossfire. The suspect, now identified as Stevens, left the scene.  ~ Yahoo! News

The Orlando Police Department credited the efforts of their Homicide Detectives along with cooperation from the community and Central Florida Crimeline with helping capture the young shooting suspect.

You can check out a video of Stephens being taken into custody at Orlando Police Headquarters on both Twitter and Facebook.

Ace News Today - Video - Florida teen, 15, arrested in shooting death of U.S. Military Veteran Angela Sutton Washington
Facebook Video: https://www.facebook.com/OrlandoPolice/videos/1497590554111294

(Source: Orlando Police Department)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on FacebookTwitter Instagram

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