Former Bureau of Prisons correctional officer gets 11+ years behind bars for sexually abusing inmates

Former Bureau of Prisons correctional officer gets 11+ years behind bars for sexually abusing inmates

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Ace News Today - Former Bureau of Prisons correctional officer gets 11+ years behind bars for sexually abusing inmates
(Image credit: FCM Lexington)

A former Federal Medical Center Correctional Officer employed at FMC Lexington has been sentenced after being convicted of civil rights violations and the sexual abuse of inmates under his charge.  Christopher Brian Goodwin, 46, will be spending the next 135 months behind bars, “for deprivation of rights under color of law and three counts of sexual abuse of a ward,” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

Goodwin was employed as a correctional officer through the Bureau of Prisons at FMC Lexington and committed the offenses upon four inmates under his custody and supervision.  FMC Lexington is an administrative security federal medical center with an adjacent minimum security satellite campus.

According to his plea agreement, Goodwin grabbed one victim as she attempted to exit an office space and placed himself between her and the door so he could monitor the hallway through a window.  Goodwin proceeded to sexually assault the victim against her will, knowing there were no cameras in that vicinity.  

He admitted he had deprived the inmate of her Constitutional right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment and his actions also resulted in bodily injury to the victim.

According to his plea agreement, Goodwin also admitted to unlawfully touching the breasts, buttocks, and groin area of three more victims on multiple occasions between April and September of 2019.  According to his plea, he sexually abused these three inmates by unlawfully engaging in oral sex.

Goodwin pleaded guilty to the charges in March 2022.

Under federal law, Goodwin must serve 85 percent of his prison sentence; and upon his release from prison, he will be under the supervision of the U.S. Probation Office for five years and subject to sex offender registry laws of Kentucky.

(Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office / Eastern District of Kentucky)
(Christopher Brian Goodwin mugshot, Image credit: Offender Information, Kentucky Department of Corrections)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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