Anna Jones: Freshman University of West Georgia college student shot and killed by professor

Freshman University of West Georgia college student shot and killed by professor

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Ace News Today - Freshman University of West Georgia college student shot and killed by professor

(Former Professor Richard Sigman, Image credit: Carrollton Police Department)

On Saturday, July 30, Georgia’s Carrollton Police Department reported that 47-year-old Richard Sigman, a resident of Carrollton, Georgia, and also a faculty member employed by the University of West Georgia, was arrested and charged with the shooting murder of 18-year-old Anna Jones, also of Carrollton – and a freshman student enrolled at the university.

The police went on to say that on Saturday, July 30, at approximately 12:27 a.m., officers responded to Tanner Medical Center regarding a female with a gunshot wound. The callers said that the incident occurred off Adamson Square in the courthouse parking deck. Preliminary information indicates that Sigman and another male got into a verbal altercation at Leopoldo’s Pizza.

The male notified security that Sigman threatened to shoot him. Security approached Sigman, saw he had a weapon, and told him to leave. Sigman then left walking toward the parking deck.

The police investigation revealed that Sigman walked into the parking deck and began shooting into a parked vehicle striking the female victim, identified later as Anna Jones. Friends immediately drove her to the hospital where she was pronounced deceased.

The University of West Georgia told news outlets in a statement that Sigman’s employment has been terminated. A current course catalog listed Sigman as a lecturer in business administration.

The university said Jones was a student at the university.  ~ CBS News

CNN shared that the president of the University of West Georgia issued a statement on Saturday.

“The University of West Georgia has learned of the loss of one of its students, Anna Jones, who passed away following an off-campus incident earlier today,” President Dr. Brendan Kelly said. 

“UWG has terminated the employment of Richard Sigman and continues to work with the city of Carrollton Police Department, which leads this ongoing investigation. On behalf of the university, we wish to convey our deepest condolences to Anna’s family and many friends,” Kelly said.

Also on Saturday, Anna’s high school, Mount Zion High School in Carrollton, posted a tribute to their recent grad saying that, “we write to inform you of the passing of Anna Jones, a recent Class of 2022 graduate of MZHS. Anna loved this school and this community, and she will be missed dearly by many. Please keep her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers as they go through this difficult time.”

Mount Zion High School also posted a link to a GoFundMe page raising funds to help cover Anna’s funeral expenses.

Following his arrest, Sigman was charged with murder, three counts of aggravated assault and possession of a firearm for his part in in Anna’s death.  He was then booked into the Carroll County Jail. Police say that their investigation into Anna’s death is still active and ongoing. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Carrollton Police Department at 770-834-4451. All callers may remain anonymous.

For more on the tragic shooting death of Anna Jones by the former professor, see the video accompanying this article.

(Source: Carrollton Police Department)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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