Germantown teen charged with murdering schoolmate

Germantown teen charged with murdering schoolmate

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Ace News Today - Germantown teen charged with murdering schoolmate
(18900 block Grotto Lane, Germantown, Image credit: Google Maps)

A 17-year-old has been arrested and charged in connection with the death of another 17-year-old in Germantown, Maryland.  The murder suspect has been identified by the Montgomery County Police Department as another Germantown teenager, Ta’Quawn Deon Henderson, pictured at the top of this article. The two 17-year-olds knew one another and attended the same high school.

On Monday, January 24, the Montgomery County Emergency Communications Center received a call for a male body found in a wooded area. Officers from the 5th District responded and located 17-year-old Jailyn Jones in the 18900 block of Grotto Lane in Germantown.

Ace News Today - Germantown teen charged with murdering schoolmate
(Murder victim Jailyn Jones, Image credit: Twitter)

An autopsy performed by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner determined Jones’ death a homicide.

Jailyn Jones was found dead in a small creek near Great Seneca Highway in Germantown on Jan. 24 after his mom reported the 17-year-old missing. Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones said upon removal from the water, investigators noticed Jones was stabbed multiple times and had wounds to his head and torso.

Police say DNA evidence found on Jailyn Jones’ boots and jeans link Ta’Quawn Deon Henderson to the homicide case.  ~  Montgomery Community Media / YouTube

The Montgomery County Department of Police Major Crimes Division – Homicide Unit has been actively investigating Jones’ death and during the course of the investigation, physical evidence was recovered connecting Ta’Quawn Deon Henderson of Germantown, to the homicide. Detectives also learned that Henderson and Jones were acquaintances. Both attended Northwest High School.

On May 12, investigators obtained an arrest warrant charging Henderson with first-degree murder.

On Sunday, May 15, Henderson turned himself in at the Montgomery County Police 1st District Station, where he was transported to the Central Processing Unit and served with a warrant for his arrest. Henderson has been charged as an adult. 

Police say that their investigation remains active and ongoing.  For more on the story, see the video accompanying this article.

(Source: Montgomery County Department of Police)

(Ta’Quawn Deon Henderson Cover Photo: Image credit, Facebook / The Ajax News)

Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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