Grand Theft Auto: Vero Beach woman busted stealing two cars, one that got stuck in sugar sand

The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office in Vero Beach, Florida, recovered two stolen vehicles and arrested the local woman accused of stealing them. The recovery and arrests happened earlier this week after authorities discovered a vehicle stolen out of Volusia County that was stuck in sugar sand. While investigating that incident, the agency learned that a second vehicle nearby had been stolen.
Deputies arrested Shawna Leh Afouis, 39, of 19th Lane, Vero Beach, on Monday, May 16. She told authorities that she had fled from Volusia County in a black Chrysler 300 and that when the car got stuck in the sand on 41st Street in Indian River County, she stole a Nissan Titan, which had its keys inside.
An alert was issued for the stolen Nissan and deputies spotted it near the IHOP/Motel 6 on State Road 60 in Vero Beach.

Deputies arrested Afouis and returned the Nissan Titan to its rightful owner. The Chrysler was taken back to the Sheriff’s Office for processing.
Afouis is looking at a charge of grand theft auto and as of yesterday was in the county jail in lieu of $5,000 bail. Charges from Volusia County are also possible.
(Source and Shawna Leh Afouis mugshot: Indian River County Sheriff’s Office)
Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter