HCPS to begin the school year totally online, ‘Parental Intentions Form’ due July 28

On the evening of July 21, Harford County Public Schools notified community parents and guardians that, according to the county’s latest version of the HCPS Recovery Plan, all instruction during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year will be virtual. HCPS will be implementing a modified plan that relies exclusively on virtual learning while providing opportunities for students who need a safe, supervised place to access virtual instruction.
Chromebooks will be provided for all students in grades K-8, and Windows-based laptops will be provided for all students in grades 9-12. All teachers will receive a Windows-based laptop. HCPS is currently undertaking trials of cellular hotspots, to ensure students have Internet access in underserved areas by cable providers. In addition, HCPS stated that they’d be making dramatic upgrades to their curriculum and professional development to ensure virtual instruction is more interactive and engaging than during the Spring of 2020.
To address the needs of students who require a safe place to access virtual instruction, HCPS is offering a limited number of spaces in HCPS Learning Support Centers at each of our schools where students will be supervised by an HCPS employee and have reliable access to the Internet. Please note that the HCPS employees staffing the Learning Support Centers will not be the children’s classroom teachers.
The HCPS Learning Support Centers will follow the published 2020-2021 school calendar for days open; however, the hours of operation may not follow traditional school hours. Before and after care options may be available. More information about the schedule for our Learning Support Centers and the virtual day will be shared as soon as it is available.
While attending the HCPS Learning Support Centers, students will receive virtual instruction from their teacher working from a remote location. These students will have access to bus transportation and food and nutrition services. Please note that meal distribution sites will be utilized throughout the county for those students who do not attend Learning Support Centers but still need access to meals. A schedule of locations and times will be shared as soon as it is available.
Social distancing guidelines and face coverings will be required in Learning Support Centers in accordance with current state and local health department guidance.

Parent Intentions Form (Responses due by July 28):
HCPS is gathering more information about the 2020-2021 school year and would like to hear from you to better understand your needs and concerns as we return to school in the fall. Please complete a short intentions form, and answer the questions as best as you can. This will take approximately 1-2 minutes in total to complete. HCPS Leadership will use this information for planning purposes.
To complete the form now, click here.
The form is also available at hcps.org
Note that you should be able to complete this form on your phone. However, completing this form on a computer, iPad, or tablet will allow for ease of completion.
(Source: HCPS)
~ Posted by Richard Webster, Ace News Today / Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter