High school student looking at 15 years in jail after assaulting teacher in school

High school student looking at 15 years in jail after assaulting teacher in school

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High school student looking at 15 years in jail after assaulting teacher in school
Geronimo Pacer Harding Jr. Booking Photo, Image credit: Baltimore County Police

Baltimore County Police have charged an 18-year-old student for assaulting one of his teachers during school hours on the morning of January 29.

Additional police had to be called to Loch Raven High School in Towson, Maryland, around 8:38 a.m. on Tuesday when teachers and the school resource officer there struggled to restrain the student, identified as Geronimo Pacer Harding Jr. after he began punching a teacher in the face. Police said that Harding lives in the 8600 block of Willow Oak Road in the Parkville section of Baltimore County.

The student reportedly approached his teacher after class and asked to speak with him regarding an incident that had taken place the day before.  The teacher was seated at his desk in his classroom at the time.

CBS News in Baltimore reported the teacher as telling Harding he’d be glad to speak with him “in an effort to get to know him and help him succeed in school.”  During their conversation though, Harding became agitated. He reportedly and suddenly attacked the teacher, striking the teacher and punching him in the face.  Harding knocked the teacher to the ground and continued to punch him in the face and torso.

The teacher initially declined medical treatment but was later treated at an area hospital for serious facial wounds. Harding was taken into custody and initially transported to an area hospital, then later charged with the assault. Harding is looking at both First and Second Degree Assault – plus three other school related charges.

If convicted, Harding faces a maximum of 25 years in prison.

Harding is presently being held on denied bail status at the Baltimore County Detention Center pending a bail review hearing.

(Source: Baltimore County)

~ Posted by: Richard Webster, Ace News Today   /   Connect with Richard on Facebook and Twitter

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